Solutionbee Products
Learn about our products and how they can help you manage your beehives.

Data Acquisition from hives
- The HM-6 hive scale attaches wirelessly to your home router (for backyard beekeepers) or the HiveHub (for remote beeyards) for remote and automatic data uploads to the cloud.
Information Management and Analytics
- User can access a customizable dashboard for quick view of hive status and alarms. Daily, monthly, yearly reports based on weight data are available for a hive or groups of hives.
- The system offers alarm and error reporting.
- The system offers the benefit of individual hive localization in Google Maps.
Take a Tour
Learn more about our products with a tour of the features, including links to documentation and datasheets.
Each monitored hive in the field contains a long-life battery-operated B-ware™ Smart Hive Monitor that is placed under each beehive. It continuously gathers the hive’s precise weight and ambient temperature. GPS positioning, data upload and instantaneous weight readings of individual monitors is possible manually using the B-ware™ Phone App.
Backyard beekeepers can have their data regularly and automatically transmitted to the cloud via their home router, if their hives are close enough (about 150 ft, 50 m).
For remote apiaries, each cluster of hives can also be locally networked to a single cellular data collection device for remote and automated monitor data readings. The HiveHub™, which operates on a solar-powered battery, collects hive statistics from the monitors under the hives and retransmits the data to the cloud. The HiveHub™ collects data from up to 100 beehive monitors in close proximity (within about 150 feet) and then transmits that data via cellular communications to a web server on the Internet.
The primary element of the B-ware™ Beehive Monitoring System is the B-ware™ Smart Hive Monitor. The Smart Hive Monitor measures and stores weight and temperature readings every hour. These readings are very precise and can measure even very slight changes in beehive weight. Hive monitors can be read either with a handheld device such an Android smartphone or iPhone.
The HM-6 is WiFi enabled so it can be configured to connect to your home router and have the data sent automatically and directly to the cloud without a visit to the beehive.
Alternatively, during each beehive visit, individual monitors can be read one-by-one by beekeepers with the Solutionbee B-ware™ Phone App loaded on their Android or iOS smartphone. An NFC connection is quickly and easily established and the data is downloaded to the phone – and uploaded from there to the Internet if the smartphone is in WiFi or cell tower range.
HM-6 Highlights
1) Durable, high-quality outdoor scale
2) True weight (no estimates). We use high quality, temperature compensated load cells in the HM-5.
3) Extremely long battery life (>3 years). Battery is replaceable.
4) Connects directly and wirelessly to your nearby WiFi router.
The HM-6H WiFi Smart Hive Monitor has the same features as the HM-6 but has a higher weight capacity, 350 kg, 770 lbs, for very heavy beehives. The HM-6H measures and stores accurate weight and temperature readings every hour and also transmits the data automatically via WiFi. In remote beeyards, the data can be read with your Android or iPhone smartphone. The data is precise and even very slight changes in beehive weight are measurable.
The HM-6H WiFi Advantage:
• Uses WiFi for backyard and remote uploads where there is WiFi coverage.
• Use with the HiveHub™ for remote locations without WiFi or locally using a smartphone.
• Easy and fast connection to the Internet Cloud for insightful data analysis.
• Save travel time to your beeyards by remotely monitoring your hives.
The HM-6H follows the Solutionbee tradition of long battery life and technical excellence.
The HM-1 is an important tool to monitor and manage your hives. It uses the same B-Ware smartphone app as the HM-5 and HM-20 hive monitors. Further, the HM-1 data can be associated with the HM-5/HM-20’s that are on the same hive and allow the beekeeper to view the data together on the same graphs.
The HM-1 comes as a deep or medium frame with the sensor embedded in a cage that forms part of the frame. The sensor is easily removable for battery maintenance. Further for top bar hives, the sensor can be removed from the frames and placed where desired inside the hive.
The B-ware™ Mobile App is a crucial tool in operating your B-ware Monitoring System and works with the HM-6 and HM-1. The app will connect your smartphone or other handheld device to your Smart Hive Monitors with reliable Bluetooth communications and give you access to the monitor data. After uploading the monitor data to your smartphone, the app can upload the same data to the Internet, if it is within cell tower range or do so on a delayed basis once it enters cell tower range.
The B-ware Mobile App is also needed for configuring the HM-6 to connect it to your home router.
This multifunctional tool has the following features:
Live Data: See the real-time weight of your hive and ambient temperature.
View Data: View your weight and temperature data on interactive graphs after uploading your monitor data.
Read New Data: Upload all new weight and temperature data since the last reading.
Upload Data: Upload your monitor data to the Internet so that it is viewable through your favorite browser.
Set GPS Location: Set the GPS location of your monitored hives.
The B-ware™ Cellular HiveHub™ communications gateway is a turnkey solution that enables remote and automatic monitoring of your HM-6 beehive monitors and other WiFi-enabled sensors. The flexible system architecture of the B-ware™ solution allows ready adaptation to future technology by creating a local WiFi hotspot in your beeyard.
Benefits of the B-ware™ Cellular HiveHub™ include:
• Remote communication of all bee yard hive monitor data, allowing remote analysis of data without visiting the site. Greatly facilitate bee yard optimization and advanced hive maintenance planning.
• Real time alerts from monitors allowing rapid response to undesired bee yard events such as wildlife activity or theft.
• Modular architecture allowing maximum adaptability of communications technology, battery maintenance, and integration of future monitors and sensors
The Nuu-bee Experience
Follow our Nuu-Bee has he setups up a new hive with a Smart Hive Monitor and writes about his experience. Let him show you how he interprets and learns from the hive weight profile and how it helps him with his beekeeping!
Nuu-Bee sets up his hive

We set up our first backyard beehive on April 1, 2016, April Fools Day notwithstanding. Underneath the hive, recording the weight and outside temperature […]
First sugar syrup feedings

These bees like the sugar syrup! With cool spring nights and a new colony, we have been told to feed the bees sugar syrup. We were a bit surprised […]
More and more sugar syrup!

The bees are continuing to eagerly take the sugar syrup! Tomorrow we are going to open the hive for its first inspection and see what they have been doing […]